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Data for Equity and Inclusion is a Joint Pilot Implementation Initiative (JPII) launched by the Global Health and Digital Innovation Foundation to promote and support Real World Data (RWD) used as Real World Evidence (RWE) for equitable and inclusive policy decision making and translational research.
We aim to do that by connecting startups and scaleups in the global digital health innovation ecosystem directly to the RWE ecosystem, our primary objective being to promote diversity and to advance the inclusion of underrepresented populations.
With AI going mainstream in an expanding virtuous cycle, the technology is now well poised to deliver considerable insights into disease trajectories across biological, physical, clinical and mental domains, to accelerate the development of systems medicine for translational precision in drug development and health technology assessment and to accelerate the safe and efficacious deployment of digital tools toward an ever expending source of data and knowledge for scientific progress in health and public health.
We offer a platform for digital inclusion and cooperation comprising meta-data standards the adoption of which aims to enable a continuous flow of data from "innovation zero" and encounter zero in a decision pipeline, to the research institution, deep phenotyping projects, and policy decision makers, and among stakeholders to enable agility, collaboration and the cascading of impacts.
We provide the toolboxes, you chose how to use them and which micro-ecosystem best serves your impact and scaling efforts.
The Data for Equity Challenge Initiative leverages data and AI to establish a technology-agnostic connected innovation interoperability platform to accelerate the transition to patient-centric care and precision medicine using translational AI.
Our primary goal is to address the data for equity challenge globally and to advance the inclusion of underrepresented populations in policy and treatment decisions.
The DocRoom Health Research Program was established in 2022 by the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta, to improve the health care of vulnerable and underserved populations and to work together with universities, academic institutions, and social organizations to support professionals and decision-makers working in the social sector.
In a recent study of their digital service, the project recruited 75 participants experiencing homelessness, from four social institutions in the capital city Budapest, Hungary. The telecare pilot service consisted of six online consultations with a physician and was available in shelters biweekly. Self-developed questionnaires were used after every online session on the originating and remote sites as well, while a follow-up study was also completed among patients after four to six months of pilot closure.
Some great first order results were reported. During the pilot, 92.2% of originally planned visits were delivered and 73.3% of participants attended the full program. Both the patients’ and physicians’ overall satisfaction was very high (4.52 and 4.79, respectively, on a 5-point Likert scale) and the patients’ overall rating remained similarly high during the follow-up. Comparing the first and sixth visits, physicians reported significant improvements in almost all aspects. The linear regression models proved that confidence in the patients’ assessment and diagnosis had the most prominent effect on the physicians’ overall rating, while ease of use and lack of communication gaps influenced positively the patients’ rating.
The DocRoom Community Shelters Telecare program is participating in our first JPII for cooperation in driving sustainable and scalable population health impacts.
We offer a platform of meta-data standards the adoption of which aims to enable a continuous flow of data from "encounter zero" and "innovation zero" to the research institution or project, to the policy decision maker and among stakeholders to enable agility, collaboration and the cascading of impacts.
The benefit of our approach is that we leverage interoperability sandboxes to accelerate industry standards development, customization to serve specific use cases and adoption to serve the industry's needs for sustainable and scalable impact demonstration and innovation.
Our JPII projects contribute to the exploratory development of a pre-standard for Telehealth System Data Asset Upcycling under the IEEE SA Transforming the Telehealth Paradigm Industry Connections Program (TTP-IC).
The purpose of the IEEE SA TTP-IC workstream is to explore the development of a series of domain-specific, generalizable, open meta-data standards for data capture and upcycling through Telehealth systems and AI, to enable seamless connectivity and innovation cooperation, translational AI, and access to tested and evaluated data sets which can be shared and readily used as validated value sources in translational precision medicine and healthcare delivery collaboration/value-based care.
Data upcycling is about how to align and leverage meta-data, governance, regulatory policies and cooperation on the following levels:
1. Portability - GDPR, HIPAA and emerging governance and regulatory policies, e.g., driven by the 21st Century Cures Act or the EU AI Act.
2. Interoperability of discrete data (ICD-11, SNOMED-CT, LOINC, ATC, FHIR, etc.
3. Upcycling. Data (and innovation) upcycling (recycling) is a governance concept which aims to enable circular economies in healthcare and digital innovation and in the underlying innovation ecosystems, by treating data as assets. This means adding with each project-enabled transformation cycle, additional, complementary uses to the initial use (of the data product), which coupled with the logic of total product liability (patient centric care), links reducing environmental impact to better design, more intelligent use phases and further industry consolidation or collaboration across the value chain. Both data and innovation upcycling are organizational concepts which fundamentally underpin scaling for equity and inclusion.
The standards-compliant data resources which are developed through upcycling which is conducted strictly in the period of the JPIIs and based on consent and relevant regulatory compliance, shall address the following needs:
Our micro-ecosystems are non-excludable. You can express your interest to participate in one of our JPIIs if you belong to any of the following ecosystem partner groups:
Startups and Scales
Your product/project can be at any of the following stages:(1.1) Proof of Concept - their is no MVP/product or prototype developed but there is a written conceptualization of the product/project.
(1.2) Prototyped - A prototype or MVP has been developed but not yet piloted or commercialization phase.
(1.3) Piloting - product is undergoing a pilot testing or clinical validation phase.
(1.4) Commercialization - Your product been developed, piloted and tested and is fulfils necessary conditions for market entry.
Please provide all relevant information regarding regulatory compliance (requirements, device classification, dates, etc.) and clinical trials (conducted, results, publications or planned).
If your digital marketplace is not in the groups above please let us know.